VM Radio is an independent cultural collective formed by lovers of electronic music with the mission to make your day just a tiny bit better. We aim to do that by bringing you fresh one-hour Radio Shows every week, organizing intimate events, and connecting local uprising talent.

Regardless of genre, we strive to play music that stirs emotion and that serves as the soundtrack to your past memories whilst forming future flashbacks.

Hop on on our journey, which is only just starting. To get an impression of our previous events, check:

Next event

VM Open, August 10th, de VerbroederIJ, Amsterdam Noord

Join us on Saturday, August 10th, for a true sense of community and a celebration of quality dance music in its purest form. No gimmicks, no frills—just the undeniable allure of sounds that speak to the soul. Click here for more info & tickets.

Latest Radio Shows


How it all started

Born in the studio’s of Villa Mokum (VM), a student accommodation in Amsterdam East, a group of music enthusiasts found each other. It wasn’t long before we started throwing parties in our building, where we shared our love of electronic music with our neighbors and friends.

As our reputation grew, we realized that the ‘Villa’ wasn’t big enough to accommodate our ambitious vision. So, we started throwing parties in clubs and other venues, where we could share our love of music without fear of disturbing our neighbors or attracting unwanted attention from the police.

And so, VM Radio was born. We started a weekly Radio Show, playing at several gigs around the city, and organizing our own intimate events.

Through dedication and hard work, we became known for our warming melodies, welcoming atmosphere, and community spirit. We are more than just a collective of music enthusiasts – we are a movement that’s all about celebrating the power of music to bring people together and create positive change in the world.

Today, we continue to be a driving force in the electronic music community, bringing together people from all walks of life to share their love of music, to connect with local uprising talent, and to make each day a tiny bit better. We’ve come a long way from our humble beginnings in Villa Mokum, but our passion for music and our commitment to community has never wavered.

So whether you’re a music lover looking to discover new sounds, a DJ searching for your next gig, or someone who just wants to connect with like-minded individuals, VM Radio is here for you.


Unity through Melody

Melody is key in our aim to connect electronic music aficionados from all around the world. Check out our bi-weekly updated Spotify Playlist

Check out our recorded sets for Birdcage Radio

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